Many organizations have in-house staff responsible for managing files that end up in bankruptcy. There are many moving parts to a bankruptcy file, however, that may be confusing or overwhelming. If industry best practices are not followed, it could lead to sanctions such as fines, an involuntary audit of your practices, or the temporary inability to collect at all. The bankruptcy team at Weltman will help ensure that proper checks and balances are in place – keeping your organization in compliance and at maximum operational efficiency.
Our team will conduct an in-depth examination of every aspect of your organization’s bankruptcy operations, from receipt of the notification to the application of payments received. We will comb through your standard operating procedures and training documents, observe your collection personnel, and review your evaluation and monitoring processes.
Once the on-site audit is complete, our team will compile a formal report detailing our findings. We will note any observations deemed to be a potential risk, such as missing policies, inefficient file workflow, cost-effectiveness, and insufficient staff training.
For any risks that are uncovered in the risk analysis report, we will recommend a specific solution to help you address the problem head on. Our goal is to help you eliminate all foreseeable risks in a timely fashion, and improve overall business efficiencies.
Depending on the needs of your organization, we can revise an existing policy to meet the stated requirements, or we can create a new policy. Additionally, we can provide customized training to all your collection personnel, covering topics such as communication techniques and actions to take on particular file workflows.