
Commercial Agency Collections

Your first line of defense to recovering business debt

Many lenders believe they must choose between a collection agency and a law firm to recover debt owed. At Weltman, we offer it all under one roof.

We are an end-to-end solutions provider with the ability to integrate the filing of legal action with collection activity wherever a debtor or debtor's assets may be located, nationwide. Our commercial agency collections unit is comprised of dedicated commercial collection employees – each of whom is focused on the liquidation of various types of commercial debt. Companies large and small have grown accustomed to our sense of urgency and ability to deliver exceptional service, follow-through, and results.

Our Services Include

Dedicated Commercial Staff

All commercial debts – including B2B invoices and business loans - are serviced by our commercial collections account resolution specialists, who are overseen by a shareholder and a director. Our team is focused on driving highly competitive liquidation rates, all while maintaining a stellar record of customer care and compliance. 

Customized Letter & Call Programs

We offer a variety of letters to establish initial contact – the first step to ultimately resolving the account. We are uniquely positioned to send letters anywhere in the United States*, and all letters are pre-approved by the firm's compliance officer. Phone calls are recorded and regularly monitored by quality assurance auditors. 

Skip tracing & Asset Searches

Our dedicated commercial skip tracers utilize multiple tools and resources to effectively locate information and assets of a business or a personal guarantor. Our ability to locate and communicate with borrowers while simultaneously searching for assets allows our clients to streamline their recovery efforts by working with a single agency versus multiple vendors.  

Flexible Fee Schedules

We offer a variety of fee structures to meet our clients' needs, including a contingent, hourly, and flat fee basis. We can assess your unique project needs and then build a fee structure that fits within your budget.

* With the exception of North Dakota, which is a closed border state


James G. Kozelek

Weltman Commercial Agency Collections


James G. Kozelek


Scott J. Best


Michael J. Dougherty


James T. Hart


Andrew C. Voorhees


David A. Wolfe


Stuart A. Best


Matthew W. Pomy


Thomas L. Avrutis



Webinars / 9 April 2025

Ask a Pro: Elder Financial Abuse & Romance Scam Reporting

In the 23rd episode of our popular #AskaPro webinar series, we are investigating the nuances of elder financial abuse reporting and SARs reporting for romance scams.

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