Weltman has initiated our Business Continuity Plans (BCP) as a result of the impacts and mandates associated with the COVID-19 virus outbreak. This is being enacted to help us meet our service commitments to you.
Federal, state, and local mandates have limited the transfer of operations to other offices. As a result, we are using a combination of reduced resource levels in the physical offices and maximizing the use of secure remote operations for all areas of the firm capable of performing their tasks safely from remote and home office locations. The areas and personnel were identified by their department leadership during the annual business impact analysis/review and are being fine-tuned during daily meetings as pandemic plans evolve.
All remote access is designed to continue to meet our requirements for safeguarding client and firm information and assets. Secure remote operations are conducted using firm hardened assets and either VPN or Citrix for a secured connection. Both methods also require the use of RSA tokens for multi-factor authentication. All information and activity resides in our data center for the virtual communication session.
Our continuity plans, like the pandemic, are fluid and continuously changing. Therefore, the amount of people within our offices as well as those using remote operations are being implemented in phases and are subject to change as personnel health and government mandates change. We intend to return to normal operations as soon as personnel health and government mandates permit. We will advise all our clients when normal operations will resume.
Please contact Weltman or your business partner with any questions.
Thank you for your support during these challenging times.
This blog is not a solicitation for business and it is not intended to constitute legal advice on specific matters, create an attorney-client relationship or be legally binding in any way.