
Firm History

Over 90 years history of leadership and pioneering.

Weltman Firm History

Since 1930, we've provided our clients with the kind of leadership that stands out in our industry. And we have the pioneers to prove it.

Weltman, Weinberg & Reis Co., LPA was originally founded in 1930 as Gardner & Spilka. Many, however, would argue that our firm really got its start in 1962 when Bob Weltman joined the firm at the invitation of his father, Maurice.

Bob took charge of the firm's small collection department and – working side by side with Alan Weinberg, created and grew what was at that time an entirely new concept: a collection agency operating within a creditors' rights law firm. The firm's collectors attempted to resolve outstanding balances through voluntary payment, and its attorneys could engage in legal action against debtors who had assets but refused to pay back their debts.

The results were unrivaled, and the firm's clients, including banks and other lenders, had never seen such success in recovering their receivables. By the late 1970’s the firm had become one of the most well-known creditors' rights firms in the country, and it was renamed Weltman, Weinberg & Associates, LPA, as a result.

Around the same time period, Bob also drove the firm to be among the first law firms in the country to embrace computerization. Bob's bold implementation of computerization, many years ahead of the competition, allowed the firm to handle an extensive volume of business and become an industry leader.

In recognition of Al Reis' significant contributions to the firm, our official name is Weltman, Weinberg & Reis Co., LPA - but you can just call us Weltman.

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